Team Inbox scheduled report

Anuja Updated by Anuja


The Team Inbox report provides an option to dashboard users to schedule a weekly export of all important Team Inbox related metrics at a ticket level.

The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive summary view of all tickets opened over the past week and provide customers with the flexibility to use this data export for further custom analysis.

This report scheduling feature and the report itself is available on our Pro and Business plan only

How it works

Follow the below steps to setup the report schedule

  1. Select the button "Schedule report" on the Analytics page.
  2. Enter details such as
    1. Email id's of the recipients of the report. To add multiple e-mails, separate each by comma
    2. Select the day of the week on which you wish to receive the report
    3. Select the timezone for the report. It will be delivered via email to the recepients at 9:00 AM on the day and timezone selected
  3. Click on schedule report
  4. Once the report is successfully scheduled, you can click on the "Report Scheduled" button to view the details, make changes if required or unsubscribe from the report

If you wish to view a sample report before scheduling it, click on the arrow next to the Schedule Report button and select "Download sample"

Report format

Once the report is scheduled, the subscribed users will receive an email with the subject "Your Weekly Team Inbox Analytics Report" from "".

Kindly do not reply to the email received as does not accept responses. For any issues or assistance, our support team can be reached at

The email will contain a summary of some of the metrics for the week, with a % increase or decrease compared to the previous week's data.

Attached with the email will be a CSV file containing the detailed team inbox report for the week. The report contains a list of all the tickets which were opened in that week, excluding Broadcast chats.

Column name


Contact name

This column contains the name of the contact with whom the chat is happening


The names of the team or teams to whom the ticket is assigned, at the time of report generation

Operator Name

The name of the operator to whom the ticket is assigned, at the time of report generation. If the ticket is assigned to Bot then value will be shown as "Bot"

Ticket Status

Status of the ticket, at the time of report generation. Detailed ticket statuses are explained below


Tags which are part of the ticket, at the time of report generation

Ticket link

The team inbox link to the first message in the chat by virtue of which the particular ticket was opened. Clicking on the link will open that ticket in Team Inbox

Ticket opened at

The date and time of when the particular ticket was opened

Ticket FRT

This is the first response time for the ticket, calculated as the time difference between when the ticket was opened to when the first reply was sent to the customer, either by an Operator or by Bot.

If the ticket expired without any message from the operator or bot since it was opened, then it will not have any value for FRT

Resolved at

The date and time of when the particular ticket was solved.

If the ticket expired before being marked as solved, then it will not have any value for resolved at

Ticket resolution time

The time difference between the Ticket opened at and the Resolved at times, excluding the time the ticket was in Pending status.

If the ticket expired before being marked as solved, then it will not have any value for resolution time

Expired at

The date and time when the ticket expired. This value is applicable only for tickets with the status "Expired"

Ticket status

The report will contain the following statuses for each ticket




When the first incoming message is received from a contact, it opens a ticket with status = Open


If an operator is waiting for a response from the contact, they can choose to change the status of the ticket to Pending to indicate that a response is awaited on this ticket

Solved by bot

This represents the tickets which were assigned to Bot when they were marked as Resolved

Solved by operator

This represents the tickets which were assigned to an Operator (not Bot) when they were marked as Resolved

Expired without operator response (Missed chats)

This represents tickets which expired without a single reply from operator or bot since the time it was opened

*Expired when pending on customer

This is a subset of all Expired tickets, which represents the tickets which were waiting for a response from the contact but eventually expired (ticket transitioned from status Pending to Expired)

*This status is visible only for Business Plan users. For Pro plan users, such tickets will get counted unfer the status "Expired"


All other chats which expired, excluding the 2 categories above. An expired ticket represents an unresolved ticket, which expired without being marked as solved

How did we do?

Operator Performance chart

Overview section
