New Mobile App User Interface

Anuja Updated by Anuja

What's new

We have released a new version of our Wati mobile app (v3.17.0) in July 2024 and are excited to bring in a fresh new user interface.

We have introduced an intuitive design that makes navigating the app easier than ever before. This article explains the new changes and how you can perform different actions on the mobile app.


If you are new to the Wati mobile app, you will first have to login to the app to access your Wati account.

  1. Open the Wati mobile app. If you don't have the app, download it from Google Play Store for Android or Apple Store for iOS devices.
  2. The first time user onboarding flow gives a brief about the app features. Click on the arrow button or swipe to proceed to login.
  3. If you have purchased a Wati subscription, continue with the "Paid user" option.
    1. Enter your client ID which is available in your Wati URL:<client ID
    2. For clients with a custom domain, please enter your company name from the Wati URL:<company_name>
  4. Enter your e-mail and password
  5. Select the checkbox to agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
  6. Click on the Login button

After successful login you will land on the Team Inbox page.

If you are a trial user who has signed up for our free 7-day trial,

  1. Select the "Free trial user" option during login
  2. Enter your e-mail address and password for your trial account. Alternatively, you can choose to login via your Facebook or Google account if that was used during the trial sign-up
  3. Select the checkbox to agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
  4. Click on the Login button

The main sections of the mobile app can be accessed from the bottom navigation bar.


View all the Wati contacts from this section. You can add new contacts or edit existing contacts and add custom parameters for each.

If you want to create Whatsapp message templates and send Broadcasts to your contacts, please login to Wati website on desktop as our mobile app does not support it currently. The website login link is shared over e-mail when you subscribe to Wati.

Only users with the Administrator role can view contacts section in the mobile app. Users with Operator role cannot access this section.

Team Inbox

This view will show a list of all the chats that have been initiated by your business or received from your contacts on Whatsapp. Major components on this page are:

  1. Quick filter: Click on any of the chat status on the top to quickly filter the list of chats by their status.
  1. Search: Click on the Search icon at the top to search any keyword across all the chat messages or search the name or phone number across all your chats.
  1. Filter by tags: If you have applied tags to your chats to categorise and organize them, you can filter the list of chats by these tags on Team Inbox.
To mark a chat as favorite, long press on the particular chat
  1. Starting a new chat: Click on the + icon at the bottom right to start a new chat with a new or existing contact by sending a Whatsapp template message. If you do not have any chats on Team Inbox, you can copy paste the Whatsapp Business number which is connected to Wati and send a Whatsapp message to it from another personal number to view the chat in Team Inbox.
  1. Viewing chats: Click on any chat in Team Inbox to view the messages in the chat. You can view messages as well as reply to them from the conversation view page.
    1. Assign the chat to an operator: Click on the operator icon on the top of the chat to see a list of all Operators that are available and you can assign the chat to.
    2. Assign the chat to a team: Click on the 3-dot menu on the top right and select Assign Team option to assign the chat to a particular team
    To invite your team members and create them as users and teams in your Wati account, please login to the Wati website and add them from the User Management section
    1. Update chat status: If you have responded to your customer's chat and would like to update its status as Solved or want to keep it as Pending until you hear back from your customer, select the 3-dot menu on the top right and choose the Submit as option
    2. Manage tags: To view the tags added to the chat and add/remove tags select the 3-dot menu on the top right and choose the View Tags option
    3. More options: Select the 3-dot menu on the top right and choose More options to view your customer's contact details, add/remove contact custom parameters and add notes for your internal team


The settings section consists of general information about the user and some configurations that admin users can setup

  1. Automations: This section contains options to setup some auto-replies and advanced automation rules where Bot will respond to the incoming message depending on the rule. Rules such as Out of office message or Welcome message can be setup from here
  1. Notifications: Users can customize their notification settings from this section. The mobile app will send push notifications depending on the values selected on this page.
  2. Language: The mobile app language can be updated from here. Currently we support English, Chinese (Simplified) and Chinese (Traditional)
  3. Other settings include viewing Wati help docs, our Terms and Conditions and the option to logout from the app.


This section gives an overview of some advanced actions for which user needs to use the Wati website, such as creating a template message and sending a broadcast or creating chatbot flows.

How did we do?

What features do WATI Mobile Apps have?
