What are limited time offer templates?

Sophia Updated by Sophia

What are limited time offer templates and how do I use them?

Limited time offer templates are great for time sensitive offers, e.g if you have a deal that will expire on a set date - this will show dynamically for users.

This feature is available for our new pro and business plans, upgrade to access this feature!

Things you can include in the template:

  • Media image (video or image)
  • Body text (up to 600 characters)
  • Offer text (up to 16 characters)
  • Offer expiry (set date and time)
  • Coupon code
  • Website link (you can also enable tracking for clicks)

Sending the template

When you send the template, you can update the time and date the coupon expires (so you don't have to create a template from scratch again!)

How did we do?

How to create a carousel template
