Set up your payment configuration on WhatsApp

Hong Updated by Hong

Connect your payment gateway with WhatsApp

Currently only supporting Razorpay and PayU for businesses in India. Please set up your Catalog and Auto checkout to take advantage of this payment integration.
  1. Navigate to our Integration page and select WhatsApp Pay. Follow the instructions on the page, which will take you to your WhatsApp Manager on Meta. Watch this short video below to understand the overall setup process.

  1. In your WhatsApp Manager, you will see the option to add New configuration.

  1. Select the payment gateway your business is using (Razorpay or PayU).
  2. Click "Next" and fill in the details with your WABA ID, a configuration name of your choice and the relevant industry/purpose codes for your business. Then click "Next"
  3. Type in your FB account password to confirm.
  4. You will be then redirected to your payment gateway website to login, and confirm connecting with WhatsApp. You have successfully connected your payment gateway account with WhatsApp!
  5. Copy the Payment configuration name from your WhatsApp Manager
  1. Return to the "WhatsApp Pay" integration page in your Wati. In the setup Step 2, paste your WhatsApp Payment Configuration you have just created and select the corresponding payment gateway. Click "Save changes".
  2. If you would like to use this payment configuration in your Auto checkout for Catalog and select the configuration you want to use! Afterwards you are set to collect payment for your Catalog orders!

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