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What are template formatting rules?

Must be text-based containing only letters, digits & special characters, emojis and WhatsApp-specific formatting (see formatting table below) Can't have more than 1024 characters.

Template Name

WhatsApp message template name can only include lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores.

Example: shipping_update | order_followup1

To speed up the approval process, WhatsApp advises businesses to use descriptive names for their templates rather than random ones like “message_124a” it will make it easier for the person that will be approving your message as well as for you who will manage in a sea of other templates.


Template Content

The content of your template needs also be meticulously formatted. Your HSM template:

  • Must be text-based containing only letters, digits & special characters, emojis and WhatsApp-specific formatting (see formatting table below)
  • The message template name field is limited to 512 characters.
  • The message template content field is limited to 1024 characters.
WhatsApp Business Accounts can only create 100 message templates per hour.
  • Can’t include newlines, tabs, or more than four consecutive spaces
  • Must use double curly bracket e.g. {{name}} 


Template Translations

Although you can send template messages in various languages, WhatsApp doesn’t offer translation services. So, if you wish to address your audience in another language, you need to submit your translation of the template.

Naturally, the translations must follow the same rules as the original template.

How did we do?

Template Category Guidelines

What is a template message?
