How to use pre-defined variables in WooCommerce?

Louis Updated by Louis

What are these pre-defined variables?

When a customer places an order or add items to a cart, WooСommerce will send this information directly to WATI. These variables represent information may include the customer's order information, abandoned cart information, and useful links. These will be useful when you create your own personalized templates.

Most of the fixed variables are designed to be used in the text body of template message for sending automated WhatsApp messages with WooСommerce, including:

- shop_name

- abandoned_checkout_url

- abandoned_checkout_url_partial_variable

- order_status_url

- order_status_url_partial_variable

- order_number

- discount_code

- total_price

- shop_whatsapp

- shop_whatsapp_url

- name

We also shorten the URLs from Woocommerce, these include:

- abandoned_checkout_url (for taking customers to their specific abandoned cart page)

- order_status_url (for taking customers to the order page to review their specific order)

The shortened URL will look something like

We have also added some flexibility to allow the use of Call-To-Action buttons in templates:

For more info on CTA buttons, please refer to here.

These partial variables must be used with this URL: because they are specific to the shortened URL generated by WATI.

That means you cannot use your own shop domain with these specific variables:{{abandoned_checkout_url_partial_variable}}

- abandoned_checkout_url_partial_variable

When user clicks the button, user will be redirected to abandoned checkout page on WooСommerce, where user can continue to checkout or do the shopping again.

- order_status_url_partial_variable

By clicking the button, the user is able to go to the order page of the store and check their order status/address info there.

How did we do?

What are fixed variables for Woocomerce integration?
