Operator Performance chart

Anuja Updated by Anuja


The operator performance chart provides a comprehensive overview of all the important operator metrics, per team inbox operator.

It is provided in an easy to compare tabular format which allows users to sort and search for the required operators.

The Operator Performance is a replacement to the existing Top users by duration and Top users by chats chart. It contains all the information which was provided by these 2 charts with an upgraded UI representation and additional data.


The Operator Performance chart consists of the following columns

  1. Operator: This column contains the name and email id of all the users who have the role "Operator" in Wati
  2. Current open tickets: This shows the number of tickets which have the status "Open" and are assigned to the given operator, at the time of viewing the chart
  3. Current Pending tickets: This shows the number of tickets which have the status "Pending" and are assigned to the given operator, at the time of viewing the chart
  4. Tickets assigned: This is the total number of tickets assigned to the given operator within the reporting time frame which is selected on the analytics page.
    1. For example, if the time range selected on the date picker is of last 7 days, then this column will show the total number of tickets which were assigned to the particular operator in the last 7 days
  5. Tickets solved: This is the total number of tickets which are solved by the given operator within the reporting time frame which is selected on the analytics page.
    1. For example, if the time range selected on the date picker is of last 7 days, then this column will show the total number of tickets which were assigned to a particular operator and marked as solved in the last 7 days
  6. Tickets expired: This is the total number of tickets which are solved by the given operator within the reporting time frame which is selected on the analytics page.
    1. For example, if the time range selected on the date picker is of last 7 days, then this column will show the total number of tickets which were assigned to a particular operator and got expired in the last 7 days. Expired tickets also means that these tickets were not resolved and got expired as per Whatsapp conversation rules (24 hrs. after the last incoming message)
  7. Missed chats: This is the total number of tickets which were assigned to an operator but got expired without any response from the operator (hence, missed chats).
  8. Avg. First Response Time (FRT): This represents the average of the first response time of an operator for the tickets in the reporting timeframe. The first response time is calculated as the time difference between the event that a ticket is assigned to an operator and the event when the operator send their first message on that ticket.
  9. Avg. Resolution Time (ART) : This represents the average of the resolution time of an operator for the tickets in the reporting timeframe. The resolution time is calculated as the time difference between the event that a ticket is assigned to an operator and the event when the ticket is marked as Solved. While calculating ART, we exclude the time duration when the ticket was in Pending status. Since tickets are ideally put in Pending status to indicate that an answer is pending from the end user, we exclude this time duration from the ART value for the Operator.
  10. Operator availability: Under Operator availability, we show the total time duration for which the operator was online on Wati, within the reporting timeframe selected. This includes all the session user had on the website as well as the Wati mobile app.


Dashboard viewers for all our plans can view and use the Operator Performance report. However, only Pro and Business plan users can view the additional columns of "Tickets assigned", "Tickets expired" and "Operator availability" whereas all other plan users can view the remaining 7 columns.

Other features

Data export

Users of this chart have the option to download this chart data in csv format. The data downloaded will be the same which is visible on the UI, filtered for the reporting timeframe selected at the top of the dashboard.

The export contains details of the reporting timeframe, the date and time it was exported and the timezone of the user who downloaded the csv

Refresh data

Since the data about current open tickets and current pending tickets is near real time, we have provided the option to users to refresh the data in the table manually if they have been on the analytics page for a very long time.

This option shows the date and time of the last time the data was refreshed and enables users to refresh the data manually in 5 min. intervals

Search operators

Dashboard users can choose to view data for all or certain operators only, using the search filter which is a drop-down select option showing all operator names.

Sort table data

By default, the Operator Performance table is sorted by the number of Current Open tickets, in descending order. The sorting can be applied on any of the other columns as well depending on how the dashboard viewer prefered to view the data

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Team Inbox scheduled report
