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Advance Chatbot Builder: Time Delay

When can use Time Delay in Chatbot Builder?

Advanced Chatbot Builder are available in the Pro & Business Plan only. Read more about our plans

Advanced Chatbot Builder allows adding a Time Delay in a Chatbot

This icon can still be used to build a chatbot under the regular plan and the chatbot can be saved successfully.

However, when you to select these advanced chatbots to use as Keyword Action or Default Action, there will be a pop-up asking you to upgrade in order to use these advanced chatbot builder features.

After upgrading Wati to the Pro or Business plan, user can use these advanced chatbots in Keyword or Default Action.

Meaning and Usage

Time Delay Node: This node allows user to put a delay in between execution of the series of nodes in a chatbot. One very good use case of this could be if user wants to send multiple messages but not at once and give a period of interval between two nodes.


Now, as one can see there are three messages attached to each other and when a chatbot is triggered, all three messages will be sent at once. To make intervals between nodes execution one needs to use Time Delay node:

  1. Go to the Automation section Chatbot, open or create a chatbot where Time Delay node needs to be placed
  2. Select Time Delay node in the left panel
  1. Attach the time delay node between nodes that should be separated by time
  1. After that, click icon on the node to edit it and set up time that should pass before next node is activated
  1. Click "Save"

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