Overview section

Anuja Updated by Anuja

What is the Overview section?

The overview section displays a total count of some important metrics for admins and dashboard viewers to get a quick view of the Team Inbox activity.


The card "Open" shows the count of tickets which are currently with the status "Open" in Team Inbox. This helps understand the current load of open tickets which need to be addressed.


The card "Pending" shows the count of tickets which are currently with the status "Pending" in Team Inbox. Tickets should be marked as Pending in Team Inbox when Operators have replied to a query and are awaiting a response from the contact. Hence this count gives an idea of the tickets which are currently open but are awaiting end user response for further action.

Both Open and Pending count above are real-time counts and do not change as per the date range selected


The card "Solved" shows the count of tickets which were marked as "Solved" in Team Inbox, within the date range selected on the analytics page. This helps understand the workload which was resolved on Team Inbox, both by the operators and bot.

Solved by bot

The card "Solved by bot" is a subset of the total Solved count, showing the count of tickets which were solved by the Bot in Team Inbox, within the date range selected on the analytics page.

This includes tickets which were assigned to Bot when they were marked as Solved.

Solved by Operator

The card "Solved by operator" is a subset of the total Solved count. It shows the count of tickets which were assigned to team inbox users when they were marked as Solved, within the date range selected on the analytics page.


The card "Expired" shows the count of tickets which got expired 24 hours after the last incoming message from the end user, within the date range selected on the analytics page.

This represents tickets which were not marked as solved by your team and hence a higher number means there is a need to review these chats and identify why they could not be solved.

Missed chats

The card "Missed chats" is a subset of the total Expired count. It shows the count of tickets which were assigned to an operator or Bot but expired without any response or message from the operator or Bot, within the date range selected on the analytics page.

A higher number of missed chats is an indicator that your team is unable to service the end user queries and there is a need to dig deeper at an operator level and review the workload distribution to address this.

Clicking on the Overview cards

You can click on any of the overview cards if it has a non-zero value and it will open the list of corresponding chats in Team Inbox.

However, please note that if you are viewing data for a time period in the past, the status of the chat in Team Inbox may have been updated and hence could be different from the status in analytics.

For example, if a chat was Solved 2 days ago then while viewing the past 7 days analytics data the chat will be counted in the Solved card. But if the same contact messaged again then the chat will have a status Open, so clcicking on the Solved card will show the chat as Open as per current status (and not Solved as per previous status) in Team Inbox.

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Introduction to Team Inbox Analytics
