Table of Contents

Add-on: Google Spreadsheet WhatsApp Message Sender


  1. Open the browser and login into your Google account and go to the Google Spreadsheet.
  1. Open an existing Spreadsheet file or create a new file. After the Spreadsheet is opened, choose Add-ons --> Get add-ons as in the following image to install add-on:
  1. Type: “WhatsApp Message Sender WATI” to find and install add-on:
  1. Click to Add-ons menu of Google Spreadsheet, choose WhatsApp Message Sender-->WhatsApp Schedule to open this addon:
  1. Select phone numbers by hold and drag mouse in Spreadsheet or type to textbox in our add-on as below example:

- Select a range of cells by inputting or by dragging the mouse: A2:A6.

- Input specific cells and separate by comma (,) eg: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6.

- Mixed: A2:A6, A7, A10.

Press OK to go to the next step.

  1. In this step, if you only have trial account at, you should choose first option and if your have your personal environment after paying for full version you should choose the 2nd option.

3.1 Using Add-ons as a trial user:

  • If you don't have a trial account you can click on the “Sign Up for Free Trial” link and type your WhatsApp number, check to “I agree to Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy” then click "Submit" button, you will receive the notification as follows:Click to OK button to next step.
  • There is 0.5$ in the wallet for each trial user and you also increase your wallet by click to “BUY CREDITS” button and you also view the message fee table by click to “About template message fee” link as below image:
  • Click "Next" button for the next step.
  • We choose the message template, set the value for the dynamic available such as Name, City, Role, etc... You can see an example of how we set Name available in the B2:B6 range in the spreadsheet:
  • In the next step: You can preview your message before sending:

- The total number of recipients

- Cost

- The content message list

- Send Now option: send your message instantly

- Schedule option: broadcast will be send at picked date (hours, minutes)

  • After the sending message process is done, you will receive the notification as below image:
  • "View details" button will redirect you to your account at, to the Broadcast section.

3.2 Using Add-ons as live user:

  • Open API Docs section of your environment, and copy Access Token value into "APIKey" field, and API Endpoint value into EndPoint field.
  • Press "TEST" button to make sure your values are valid and connection to your environment could be made.
  • Click "Save" button to proceed to send a message. After sending the message successfully, you will receive the notification as below image:

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Add-on: Google Sheet Automation

WhatsApp Shop Plugin
