How to include Discount coupon in Shopify Automated messages

Madhavan Updated by Madhavan

We offer the option to include discount coupon in the following automated messages

1. Abandoned recovery automated message

2. Order confirmation automated message

3. Follow up after purchase automated message

Discount Coupon inclusion in Abandoned Recovery automated message

1. To include discount coupon in Abandoned recovery automated message, once the abandoned recovery automated message has been enabled select the option "Include discount coupon" as shown below

2. When selected you will be provided with two options

Here if the option

a) % discount (coupon code automatically generated) is selected a coupon code will be generated by Shopify itself on the basis of the percentage amount entered in the text box below. And the generated discount code will get added in the checkout page automatically

b) Fixed discount (coupon code provided by you) is selected the discount code submitted by you in the text box below will get automatically included in the checkout page

If you would like to display the discount code in the abandoned recovery automated message body text then will need to include the attribute "discount_code" while creating the template message so that the discount code gets displayed in the template message.

Discount Coupon inclusion in Order Confirmation & Follow up After purchase automated message

1. To include discount coupon in Order confirmation & Follow up after purchase automated message, once the automated message has been enabled select the option "Include discount coupon" as shown below

Here if the option

a) % discount (coupon code automatically generated) is selected a coupon code will be generated by Shopify itself on the basis of the percentage amount entered in the text box below. And the generated discount code can be shown in the template message by including the attribute "discount_code".

b) Fixed discount (coupon code provided by you) is selected the discount code submitted by you in the text box below will get displayed in the template message. Need to make sure that the attribute "discount_code" is included in the template message

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