New Triggers, Filters and Actions available for Instagram Automation

Anuja Updated by Anuja

If you are looking for Instagram automations, you came to the right place. You can utilize our flexible rule-based automation to craft custom rules. Let’s check out the new trigger and filters!

New Trigger


How it works

Common use cases

New Instagram message is received

Triggers a Rule each time there is a new incoming Instagram message from a contact

This is a general trigger that you can use to handle incoming Instagram messages. Use it to set up keywords, welcome messages and more.

New Filters



Common use cases


Exists / Does not exist

You can use this filter to check whether the incoming message is from a brand new contact or an existing contact.

You can set up different automated responses for returning contacts vs new contacts.

Contact initiates a new chat


Use this filter when you want a Rule to trigger only when it’s the beginning of a new chat. Only the first message that starts a new chat is considered, subsequent messages within the same chat will not trigger the Rule.


Is within / Is not within Working Hours

You can filter for messages that may be coming in outside of your business hours. That way you can craft your own Out of Office message.

Incoming message matches keyword(s)

Contains, Exactly matches, Fuzzy matches

Filter for specific keywords or phrases. For example, you can trigger an automated response when a contact mentions a specific product name.

New Actions


Supported Type

Common use cases

Send Instagram message

Text, Image, Video

Use these to send a message to your contacts quickly.

Start a Chatbot

Use a chatbot if you want to have a longer and more in-depth interaction with your contact.

Next step

You can mix and match different Filters to create custom Rules, let’s walkthrough how you can create your own Out of Office message rule and a Welcome message rule.

How did we do?

Keyword filtering for Instagram
