WhatsApp Templates for Leadsquared

Jahnavi Prasad Updated by Jahnavi Prasad

Once the integration is done as per: WATI Leadsquared Integration, you can add WhatsApp templates to your WATI account.

When you’re creating a template in WATI, you must fulfill the following naming conventions for the templates to work as intended in LeadSquared.

If your template contains media files (Images, documents, and videos), then –

  1. Navigate to Header.
  2. Add the media file.
  3. In the textbox that appears, type “{{attachmentLink}}
Wati Integration with LeadSquared

If your template body contains variables (e.g., {{name}}, {{orderNumber}}, etc.), then –

  1. Navigate to the Body.
  2. Type the content.
  3. Type the variable as {{1}} for the 1st variable, {{2}} for the second variable, and so on.
    For e.g., if your message is, “Hi {{name}}, please find the shipping details of your {{orderNumber}}…”, then you’ll have to type this out as, “Hi {{1}}, please find the shipping details of your {{2}}…”
Wati Integration with LeadSquared

If your template contains a Call to Action button with the Visit Website action, and the type is set to Dynamic, then –

  1. Go to the Button.
  2. From the dropdown, select Call to Action.
  3. Visit website is selected by default.
  4. Type out the display text- for the button.
  5. From the dropdown present under Visit Website, select Dynamic.
  6. Then, type out the static part of the website URL, and for the dynamic part of the URL, append {{buttonLink}}.
Wati Integration with LeadSquared

If your template contains variables or buttons with a Dynamic Visit Website as a CTA, then provide a default value for each variable in the Sample Content section at the bottom of the Template Create/Template Edit screen.

Wati Integration with LevadSquared

To add a WATI template to your LeadSquared account, refer to Adding WhatsApp Templates to LeadSquared.

Conversing with Leads via WhatsApp

Integrating Converse with LeadSquared’s WhatsApp connector will enable your users to have real-time conversations with your leads through WhatsApp. Using templatised messages, you’ll be able to attach and send media files (such as images, documents, etc.) in your conversations. To know more, refer to LeadSquared Converse.

LeadSquared WhatsApp Integration

 Important Points

  • Delivery Status is currently not available for the messages sent through the WATI integration on the WhatsApp connector.
    • This means the Sent/Read/Delivered status for a sent message will NOT be available in your WhatsApp reports.
    • Additionally, the single tick, double tick, and blue tick for WhatsApp messages sent from Converse will NOT be visible.
  • When sending non-templatized custom messages to your leads, you can only send text messages to your leads. Custom media files cannot be sent during these conversations.
Wati Integration with LevadSquared

 For any questions feel free to reach out to hello@wati.io or support@leadsquared.com

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WATI LeadSquared Integration
