Explore our Free trial

With our 7-day Free Trial, you can try out various functionalities of WATI without paying anything.

There are quite a lot of WATI functions that TRIAL users can check out and try - don't be a stranger.

Also, please check out multiple tutorial videos our team made for you in all sections of the WATI:

Under Team Inbox,

  • Try sending a message to your own number
  • Attaching media: images, videos, documents
  • Using emojis and stickers
  • Full access to quick reply functionality (able to create, edit and delete quick replies)
  • Using pre-rendered chatbots
  • Sending templates (to your own number)

Under Broadcast,

  • Sending broadcasts immediately and scheduling broadcasts to be sent in the future (to your own number)
  • Using overview tiles to observe your broadcast progress
  • Creating and editing templates (can't submit)

Under Automation,

  • Try out creating different keyword actions (can't save)
  • Try out creating with chatbot builder both from scratch and from already existing templates (can't save). You can try out already existing chatbots at https://app.wati.io/.

Under Dashboard,

  • Play around with our analytics and see what you can track with WATI

Under Integrations,

Under API docs,

  • Most of our requests are available for TRIAL users
  • This depends on what requests you want to see

Under Settings,

  • Most functionalities are mostly restricted, but TRIAL users can still change their name and try out notifications

Under User Management and Webhooks,

  • This is available only for paid users

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How To Import WhatsApp Chats
