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Zapier Webhook Integration

If you have a WhatsApp API approved account with WATI, you can make use of the Zapier Webhooks feature to send WhatsApp messages to your users. This article details how to configure Zapier for use cases like Send a WhatsApp message to your incoming leads, confirmed sales, etc.


  1. Zapier Account
  2. Endpoints to send WhatsApp Message

Note: You must be approved to use WhatsApp Business API and you can apply for the same through a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider such as

Step by step integration:

Step 1: On your Zapier account ‘Zap’ page, click on ‘Create Zap’

Step 2: Choose your trigger app and event

Step 3: Under ‘Do this’, choose ‘Webhooks by Zapier’

Step 4: Under ‘Choose Action Events’, select ‘POST’

Step 5: Customize your request

The URL can be fetched from your WATI account under the ‘API Docs’ section.

Please remember to structure the URL as follows:

  • API URL followed by /api/v1/sendTemplateMessage/{{phone_number_with_country_code}}

API URL will be available on the WATI Dashboard under "API Docs"

Choose payload type as JSON

Add the below params in Data

  • template_name
  • broadcast_name
  • parameters

Step 6: Add ‘Authorization’ under Headers

The Bearer token will be found under ‘API Docs’ on your WATI Dashboard.

Step 7: Test your Zap and turn it on

You can reuse the above steps to send a WhatsApp Message using any other WhatsApp API Provider.

The final result of how you can send whatsapp message using zapier.

How did we do?

Zapier Native Integration
