How to Add Product Images in Abandoned Cart, Cash On Delivery & Order Confirmation Automated Messages

Madhavan Updated by Madhavan

This article will show you how you can display product images in template messages created for the following Shopify automated messages

a. Abandoned recovery automated message

b. Cash On Delivery automated message

c. Order Confirmation automated message

  1. Go to "Broadcast" > "Template Messages" > "New Template Message"
  2. Click "Start from Scratch"

  1. Enter in the template name, type and language
  2. Then choose the media option in the Header section. 
  3. Next click the button “Add variable” and choose the given attribute “product_image_url”.
The attribute "product_image_url" should only be used in creating Abandoned Cart, Cash on Delivery or Order confirmation automated template messages for the Shopify App.
For the sample content for {{product_image_url}}; use the link ""
  1. Enter your desired content.
  2. Next, Save and Submit the template.
  3. Once the submitted template is approved, go to your WATI Shopify app page and enable the template for the required automated message.

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