How to trigger a reply message once the “View sent cart” catalog message is sent from customer

Madhavan Updated by Madhavan

1. As shown in the image below when the customer adds the product into the cart and places the order from the WhatsApp app the “View sent cart” message is sent.

2. Now to trigger a reply message for this “View sent cart” message. Select “Automation” option from top menu in your WATI environment

3. Select “Keyword Action” from the left menu 

4. Next select the button “ Add keyword action” and you need to add the following keyword 

#trigger_view_cart ” and then click next and select the required reply action you would like to send 

5. Select the reply action and then save the selection

Note: No other keyword other than "#trigger_view_cart" can trigger a reply message for the "View sent cart" catalog message

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