Mandatory fields & specifications required to be added to product items when creating catalog

Madhavan Updated by Madhavan

To send Catalog messages make sure you have added the following fields mentioned below to the product items you have uploaded in the Catalog.

1. If you are a business selling product items in India, then Mandatorily include these additional fields to your product items in your Catalog




The items country of origin. Need to enter the countries 2 letter ISO code

eg: for India it is IN, for United States of America it is US


If you import items into India and sell in India then need to add this field by providing the legal importer name detail

eg: Maks.Inc


If you import items into India and sell in India then need to add this field by providing the legal importer address detail.

When entering the address details please enter the address in the format given in the example below.

eg:  { street1: "1234 Smith St", street2: "Building 1", city: "San Francisco", region: "CA", postal_code: "94016", country: "US" }

Checkout this video on how you can add the Country of origin & the other fields mentioned above to your items in catalog if you have used a Google sheet to create catalog:
Checkout this video on how you can add the Country of origin & the other fields mentioned above to your items in catalog if you have used Shopify sync to create catalog:

2. At times even after adding these fields mentioned above, you find that you are not able to send Catalog message. Then you could try out the steps mentioned below to find the issue.

a) Go to your Catalog in Facebook Commerce manager

b) On the left menu click the tab 'Issues"

c) Once done from the filter drop down you can choose Errors or Warning and see if any items in your catalog has been highlighted, and once you have corrected the issues the Catalog messages can be sent

3. These are few of the common issues shown

a. A warning at times shown is that you have not added the "Google Product Category" field to items in the Catalog. In that case

> If you have used a Google sheet to create Catalog then add an extra column and add the field name as shown in the table below.




Provide the most specific Google product category possible from this list: Excel (.xls) . Enter either the category name (not case-sensitive) or its ID number.

Example: Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops or 212

Learn more about product categories.

b. No image uploaded for Product items - Need to make sure that all items have image uploaded

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