Overview of Optin tools available in Wati Shopify app

Madhavan Updated by Madhavan

Optin popups are an excellent way for collecting Whatsapp numbers of website visitors, so you can re-engage with them by sending broadcast messages, initiating chatbot responses etc

The following Opt-in pop ups are available in Wati Shopify app

  • Welcome Optin pop up - The Welcome Opt-in pop up once enabled would be displayed on the homepage of the users Shopify site. It is mainly recommended to be used to welcome visitors and can be used to offer discount coupons in return for submitting your Whatsapp number or Email.

  • Recover Cart Optin pop up - The Recover cart Opt-in pop up once enabled as the name suggests will be shown when a user abandons the cart page with items.

For eg: If a customer adds an item to the cart and visits the cart page, then instead of proceeding to the checkout page goes back to any other page of the site then the recover opt-in pop up would be displayed

  • Whatsapp chat widget - Showcase a Whatsapp chat icon on your site and get users to communicate with you on your Whatsapp number. The main highlight is once a user initiates a chat you get the customers Whatsapp number

To enable Welcome Opt-in pop up & Recover Cart Optin pop up install the Wati Shopify app, once done you will find the option Opt-in as shown below

Once the Opt-in option is selected you can choose to enable either one of the Opt-in pop ups or enable both together.

In addition to enabling the Optin popups for your store you also can customize the content, style and set rules for display of pop up via the Wati Shopify app.

The Welcome Opt-in pop up & Recover Cart Optin pop up feature is available only for Pro & Business plan customers

Once you click the customize button you will be directed to builder workspace as shown below where you can customize the pop up according to your need

a) Content

Font Style

User are able to change the font style of text in pop up


Option to add heading text in pop up

Sub Heading

Option to add sub heading text in pop up

Footer Text & Button

Option to add footer text & button in pop up

Option to dd phone number field or number field

User would be able to include either phone number or email field in pop up to collect subscriber info

Success Page

Option to edit success page which will be displayed once the subscriber info has been submitted

b) Style

In Style section users can add images in the pop up as well as setup background colors for the pop up

c) Rules

When to show

Option to show on timer. Show on scrolling etc

Where to show

Get to select to show pop up on mobile, desktop or both

Whom to show

Show to everyone, Dont show to subscribed users

Location rules

Display pop ups based on country

Watch video on how to setup the Welcome Opt-in & Recover cart Opt-in pop up https://www.loom.com/share/d12c315d776e4d6ab96a1d3528ff0917?sid=e6848532-a56c-41e8-be39-ee46900d671f

Subscribers Page

To view all the details of users who have subscribed select the Subscribers option in the sub menu when the Opt-in option is selected. The subscribers page will contain the following information

  • Name
  • PhoneNumber/Email
  • Subscribed date
  • Opt-in - The type of Opt-in subscribed by users
  • Analytics - Total count of user subscribed & Total impressions - ie the number of times the pop up was shown

Custom Attributes

Once you have enabled any of the Opti-in pop up and receives subscribers through the Opt-in then the following custom attributes gets created for each of the subscribers

  • opt_in_sub_date: Will contain the subscription date value
  • opt_in_welcome: Will show the value “subscribed” when a user subscribes via welcome opt-in pop up.
  • opt_in_recovercart: Will show the value “subscribed” when a user subscribes via the recover cart opt-in pop up

Send message templates to subscribed users

Once a user has subscribed to any of the Opt-in pop ups you can setup a Whatsapp template message to be sent to the user as well as you have the option to include discount coupons in the template message.

All you have to do is in the Content section of the Opt-in builder select the template you need to be sent and if discount coupon needs to be sent enable the discount coupon knob.

Users also have the option to collect Email via the Opt-in, The user just needs to change the option Get Whatsapp number to Get Email address

Whatsapp Chat Widget

To enable the Whatsapp chat widget you need to select the option Whatsapp chat in the Shopify app and then just need to select the enable option. As shown below you get a host of customization option for customizing the Whatsapp chat icon according to your need

Whatsapp Chat widget option is available for all Wati Shopify app customers

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