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How to create a template message?

You can use Template Messages to send personalized mass notifications to your users. 

Navigate to "Broadcast" > choose "Template Message" > Click "New Template Message" to call up the Create Template Message page.

1. Create a new text-only template message:

  • Template Name (Use underscore to separate words e.g. template_for_demo, underscore adds automatically on pressing "SPACE" keyboard button)
  • Category
  • Language
  • Message Body (Enter parameters in this form {{parameter}}. Upon broadcast, the template message will be rendered with the corresponding contact attribute values)

Click "Save as draft" after filling up with all data to save template. You can als click "Save and Submit" button, if you're ready to submit your template to WhatsApp.

If you saved template as draft, you will see this template message status as "Draft". If you are ready to submit, please press the upload button. Otherwise, please continue to edit until you are ready.

2. Create a new rich template message: 

You can add images, PDF, videos, and use buttons, URL links by using a rich template. Please see the below examples - 


If your clients press the buttons, it will be replied as Text. We suggest you also add Reply Materials for the Text in buttons.

Full Description

  • Template Name (Use underscore to separate words e.g. template_for_demo)
  • Category
  • Language
  • Header Optional: to input the header of the template if needed. You can choose 1 from the 3 options below -  
    • None: not include Header
    • Text: Header in text format
    • Media: Header in media format - image/video/document

We support the following formats: Images: jpeg, png; Video: mp4; Document: any valid MIME-type

  • Body: User can click button "Add Variable" to add variable (Using to send a template to a list of contacts, WATI will get the defined attribute in each contact to generate content correctly.

For example: Dear {{name}}, hello from WATI.

Then when sending template messages to a list of customers, the {{name}} will be displayed accordingly per each customer.

  • Footer Optional: in text format. (i.e. Powered by WATI)
  • Buttons Optional: to define suggestion buttons for the customer including:
    a. None: no buttons added
    b. Call to action: can add 2 types of actions - Visit Website or Call Phone
    For Visit Website: user can fill in Button Text - the button text, URL type (static or dynamic), and the website.
    If URL Type is dynamic, the website URL can use any variable such as {{name}} and the system will be able to get the generated URL accordingly
    Find more info on how to add buttons to template here.

For Call Phone,  can fill in Button Text, and the Phone number

c. Quick reply: user can add up to 3 buttons for quick reply on template message


Modify Template Messages

Click "Edit" to modify a draft Template Message:

Click "Submit" to submit the template to WhatsApp for review and approval:

The status changes to Pending and the template message becomes read-only.

The status will be updated to Approved when the template message will be approved by WhatsApp.

Click "Remove" to remove Template Message:

The status changes to deleted while the template message is still accessible in the list with corresponded filter

Search and Sort Template Messages

Search template messages by entering keywords in the search textbox:

Sort by Last Updated:

Click "Filter" and choose the status of Template Messages:


This is a step by step guide for your understanding:


How did we do?

How to send a broadcast?

Introduction to Team Inbox
