How to create a COD (Cash on Delivery) Message Template for Shopify app

Sophia Updated by Sophia

What is COD (Cash On Delivery) Message Template?

The COD (Cash On Deliver) Message Template once enabled in the Wati Shopify App, will be sent to customers who have made a purchase from the Shopify store selecting Cash On Delivery as payment mode and customer will get the option in the message template to either confirm the order or cancel the order.

How do I set up a COD (Cash On Delivery) Message template?

At WATI, we have set up your account with some pre-approved templates, for Cash On Delivery this is the name of the template you can use " shopify_default_cod_confirm_order" but if you wish to create your own message template, you may follow the below steps.

  1. Go to "Broadcast" > "Template Messages" > "New Template Message"
  2. Click "Start from Scratch"
  3. Enter in the template name, type and language
  4. If you wish to have to include the image of the product that has been ordered in the template message then > From the header section > Choose > Medi > Next Image option > Click the button Add variable and choose this variable {{shopify_product_image}}"

If you wish to use a fixed image, upload your image instead.

For the sample content; use the link ""

  1. Enter the variables as below in the body area if you want to show the details in the template message:


Takes customers name from Whatsapp


Takes total price of the order


Takes your Shopify store name


Allows users to confirm their COD order


Allows users to cancel their COD order

  1. If you wish to add a dynamic button, you must use our partial variables and the format has to be as below, you cannot use your own store url. By doing this you can get the customer to confirm the order by clicking a button in the template message.{{cod_confirm_url_partial_variable}}

How did we do?

How to add/import Shopify Contacts into WATI

How to set up Cash on Delivery (COD) payment mode for your Shopify store
