How to create and submit template messages in WATI?

WhatsApp Template Messages are used to send alerts, account updates, and other notifications to your customers. These template messages could contain call-to-action buttons and also have quick replies.

Template messages help to enrich your content and messages with media like images and videos. Template Messages also could be sent after the expiry of a conversation (i.e 24 hours).

WATI Standard/PRO plan:

If you are using WATI CRM, please submit your WATI template messages directly from your WATI account.

Do not submit from your WhatsApp Manager, as they will NOT be added to your WATI account.

For more details, please read the below article.

Developer plan:

If you are an API gateway user and have purchased a Developer plan, you have to submit templates from your WhatsApp Manager.

  1. Login to your Facebook Business Manager
  2. Go to Accounts, and click WhatsApp Accounts
  3. Click WhatsApp Manager
  1. Click Message Templates
  2. Click on the button "Create Message Template"
  1. Choose Your Category, Name and Language
  2. Add your content and when done press Submit

After Submitting a template it goes in for review. However, you can view the status of your template.

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