Analytics and Reporting

Operator Performance chart

Introduction. The operator performance chart provides a comprehensive overview of all the important operator metrics, per team inbox operator. It is provided in an easy to compare tabular format whic…

Updated by Anuja

Team Inbox scheduled report

Introduction. The Team Inbox report provides an option to dashboard users to schedule a weekly export of all important Team Inbox related metrics at a ticket level. The purpose of this report is to p…

Updated by Anuja

Overview section

What is the Overview section? The overview section displays a total count of some important metrics for admins and dashboard viewers to get a quick view of the Team Inbox activity. Open The card "Ope…

Updated by Anuja

Introduction to Team Inbox Analytics

Introduction. The Wati Team Inbox Analytics page provides both real - time and historical data about the tickets and messages in Team Inbox and how efficiently the Team Inbox operators handled these…

Updated by Anuja
