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How do I add a Keyword Action?

Note: You can only create up to 300 keyword actions under the business plan. To get more keyword actions, you must request an add-on. You can do so by sending an email to

How to access the feature?

To access this feature, click the Automation menu. On the left panel, click "Keyword Action". Click the button "Add keyword action".

The process to create new keyword action including 2 steps as below:

Step 1: Trigger Keyword

  1. Click the button "Add Keyword +". Input the keyword into the popup. This will be checked when customers asking this keyword and respond accordingly. Then click "Save"

  1. Choose one between 3 values in "Message matching methods":
  • Fuzzy matching: "contain". For example, we can define "Company Information" as a keyword with this matching method. Then the customer can ask any long question, as long as it contains "company information", it will be replied correctly: + Can I know about your company information?
    + Where to get company information?
    + ...
  • Exact matching: The question that the customer asks must match the keyword 100% to send a response. For example, we can define "Hi". So whenever the customer says "Hi", the system will always reply nicely base on reply material.
  • Contains: If the question that the customer asks containing the keyword, it will return the reply. There are some specific notes for this type:

- CONTAINS will have higher priority than FUZZY MATCHING.

For example, the user has 2 keywords:

1: "How is the weather today?" with type = Fuzzy matching 90%

2: "weather" with type = Contain

==> When the customer asks "How is the weather today?", it will always return the reply of "weather"

- CONTAINS will have lower priority than EXACT MATCHING.

For example, the user has 2 keywords:

1: "How is the weather today?" with type = Exact Matching

2: "weather" with type = Contain

==> When the customer asks "How is the weather today?", it will always return the reply of "How is the weather today?"

- CONTAINS take reply from the first created keyword if there are many "contains" keywords in question.

For example, the user has 3 keywords:

1: "today", created from last month, with type = contain

2: "weather", created today, with type = contain

3: "rainy", created last week, with type = contain

==> When the customer asks "How is the weather today? Is it rainy?", it will always return the reply of "today" only, since the keyword "today" is the oldest one.

  1. Click "Next Step"

Step 2: Set Reply Material

  1. In the second step, we can select a checkbox on top of existing reply materials, or click "Add" to add new reply material. Note: WATI supports 12 different types of material including Text, Document, Image, Video, Stickers, Flows, Sequences, Contact Attributes, Templates, Send Notification, Assign to Operator, Assign to Team.

Please note that multiple reply materials can be chosen for the same keyword e.g. if 2 reply materials are chosen, it will send 2 messages to the customer.

  1. Then click the "Save" button:

In the above screen there also have some other actions:

  • 1 - Back: Bring you back to step 1 if you need to update anything.​
  • 2 - Cancel: Bring you back to the Summary page of "Keyword action" where it shows "Keyword Action List".​
  • 3 - Search: Search name or content of existing materials.
  • 4 - Edit an existing material.
  • 5 - Delete an existing material.

To learn more about creating templates with buttons, you may refer to How to trigger a flow with template?

How did we do?

What is Keyword Action?
