How to Check Credit Usage History

Leona Zhong Updated by Leona Zhong

How to Check Credit Usage History

You can obtain all details of your credit expenditure and analyze your budget spends based on credit consumption, by accessing your account's Credit Usage History.

Accessing Credit Usage History
  1. Click on the Wallet icon in your account dashboard.
  2. Select Credit Usage History.

Date Selection

The data is divided into three sections: Raw Data, Daily View, and Monthly View.

You can use the Date Picker to choose the time period you wish to analyze. Please note that the data available for review is limited to the past six months. For Raw Data, you can view data up to the current day, while for Daily View and Monthly View, the most recent available data is for the previous day. The selected date range is based on UTC time rather than your local time zone.

Raw Data

In the Raw Data section, you will find unaggregated, detailed records of each credit expenditure. For each transaction, the following information is provided:

Timestamp: The exact time the credit was consumed (in UTC).

Credit Amount: The amount of credits consumed.

Destination Country: The country the conversation was sent to.

Conversation Type: The type of conversation - Authentication, Service, Marketing, or Utility.

Daily View

In the Daily View, data is aggregated by day. You will see the total credit consumption for each day, categorized by conversation type. This view allows you to quickly assess credit usage on a daily basis.

Monthly View

In the Monthly View, data is aggregated by month. Credit consumption is categorized by conversation type, providing a high-level overview of how credits are being used throughout the month.

Only users with roles as an Administrator, Billing Manager, or Broadcast Manager able to top-up Wati credits. More about user roles: Detail Access Menu of each Roles

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How to top-up WATI credits?
